> Mint Family Dental

Emergency Dental Care

Life happens! We accept same day emergency appointments. Call us at 610-327-1175.

Dental emergencies do not always involve pain, but most emergencies may result in varying degrees of pain, severe pressure, embarrassment, of simple frustration. Pain can originate from the tooth, surrounding tissues or can have the sensation of originating in the teeth but be caused by an independent source.

Instances of dental emergencies

Situations that can result in a dental emergency include

  • Toothache
  • Abscess
  • Broken or fractured tooth
  • Dislocated or broken jaw
  • Facial, gum (gingival) swelling
  • Gum (Gingival) bleeding
  • Wisdom teeth
  • Broken/missing dentures

When you’re dealing with a dental problem, your dentist should be your first call. But what if you encounter a problem on a holiday, or a weekend? We are still your “emergency dentist near me”.

How to know if its a dental emergency?

  • Are you in severe pain? Severe pain and bleeding are signs of an emergency.
  • Have you lost a tooth? Fast treatment can potentially save a tooth.
  • Do you have loose teeth? Adults should never lose teeth. A loose tooth, even without pain, is a serious problem.
  • Do you have an infection? An abscess or serious infection in your mouth can be potentially life-threatening, and treatment should not wait. You may notice swelling or knots on your gums or swelling around the face.
  • Are you bleeding from the mouth? This is a potential sign of an emergency.

The knocked tooth

Teeth that have been knocked-out from their sockets are among the most common emergencies that we deal with at our clinic. The most common cause of knocked-out teeth is sports-related injuries, but there are numerous possible reasons that it can happen.

A knocked-out tooth requires immediate attention, and an appointment should be made with our office right away.

The cracked tooth

A cracked tooth is not as serious as a knocked out tooth, but it still requires an emergency dental visit. As soon as you are able, rinse your mouth out with warm water. You should rinse until you can no longer see blood. Once your mouth is clean, apply a clean, cold compress to the area to limit the amount of swelling that occurs as well as the amount of pain you suffer. Cracks and chips in teeth allow bacteria to get under the tooth, which can lead to a serious infection if left untreated.